Getting Started with an Initial Survey
Jewel believes that a home should reflect the interests and passions of those who live there.  Getting to know the story of her clients is an important step in the design process.  This initial survey is a fundamental way for home owners to communicated their vision for their home. Here is the onboarding process:
Want to get started?
1. Email Jewel at [email protected]
2. Complete the survey CLICK HERE
3. In addition to completing the initial survey, you can also learn more about the DESIGN PROCESS.
Jewel uses multiple personalized surveys to hone down her clients’ style. This tool helps her learn their likes, dislikes, and favorite patterns, eras, and colors. She keeps this top of mind as she and her team measure, survey, and make design plans for the home. Not only are these surveys helpful for Jewel, they often help couples find common points for couples.

Based on their surveys, Jewel was able to determine the different styles of these two clients.
Personalized Design
As someone who has traveled extensively and moved 13 times, Jewel understands that each of these locations have shaped and molded her in different ways. Getting to understand where the homeowners have lived, traveled, and what they have experienced is an important part of the process.
Jewel loves to work with homeowner’s collections and art. Perhaps the client has pieces that they picked up on a trip to Spain? Maybe they inherited silver platters from their Grandma? Maybe they have items that represent their talents and hobbies? Great! Jewel would love to use these sentimental pieces somewhere in the client’s home design. Please be sure to mention that in the survey.
Functional Design
In addition to personalizing the style of the home, Jewel feels it is vital to personalize the function of the home. It is important for Jewel to know who lives in the space and how they use it. For example, if the client has young children who eat on the sofa in a family room, it would be helpful to design a custom sofa with solution dyed-acrylic fabric so that it would be bleach cleanable. Furthermore, if the client has cats or active medium to large dogs, it would be important to look for a cut vs loop rug in high traffic areas. All of these little details are critical to designing a home that is perfect for each client.
Thanks for taking the time to email Jewel and fill out the first of several surveys. Jewel is looking forward to working with you soon.